I have allready realised projects and special wishes for several clients. You will find client's  experiances on this page.

In case you will have a question I like to talk to you personaly.


The standing lamp I bought from Lilian is a treasure in itself, also when not on. The colours are warm and the design reminds me of continents. When I  switch on the light the whole room is lit by beautifull colours. The lamp is a treasure in my house and certainly not expensive. A lamp , a work of art combined in one.   Barbara Feldbrugge.


Lilian's work is surprising  and inspiring. She converts photography of nature into wallpaper or colourfull lampshades. Never seen anything like that before. Saskia Boekraad Coco-Mat Amsterdam.


As a stylist I love to work with Lilian's wallpaper, they fit in every of interior , the colour of her lampshades are very beautifull.

Marin de Rochemont The design Touch.

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